W szkoleniach i2connect, doradcy rolni uczą się wykorzystywać różne narzędzia do współtworzenia. Szczególnie cenne okazały się trzy narzędzia. w tym wideo, the advisors explain which tools they are and why they improve their daily work.
1. Koło Spójności:
Jana Žiberna, Izba Rolniczo-Leśna Słowenii: “The tool that made the most impact on me was the Circle of Coherence because I realized how important for the project and working process is the vital space. Each of the participants can contribute to this vital space and help others be a part of it.
Linda Šarke-Fedjaeva, Łotewskie Centrum Doradztwa i Szkolenia Wiejskiego: “Before I learned about the Circle of Coherence, I took it personally if someone in my project was fighting or fleeing or feeling insecure. But now, since I have learned that there are different types of people and that you have to do certain things to approach them and bring them back to the vital space where the innovation and the co-creation happens, it’s much easier for me to communicate with them.”
Aiva Saulīte-Liniņa, Łotewskie Centrum Doradztwa i Szkolenia Wiejskiego: “I think that the Spiral of Initiatives is a very good method, and I use it daily, because each time when I should think about some kind of new project, new activity, I can put it on a paper and overlook the steps. Whenever I feel the need, I can return, na przykład, to the inspiration phase. It’s not that I’m going back. I’m rather moving forward, by going back.
3. Analiza sieci:
Laura Matos, Consulai, Indonezja: “My favourite i2connect tool is the Network Analysis. It’s very useful while planning a project and also then while creating the network for a project. Produkty, you are sure every factor and every element are in the right place and that you are not forgetting anything. And if something goes wrong, I can also go back to this tool and see which connection is missing.