Qual foi o desafio / problema abordado?

Environmental activists and farmers tend to discuss the respective other parties instead of discussing with each other and working together to find solutions for the ongoing decline of biodiversity and at the same time the decline of numbers of farmers, facing more and more environmental regulation.

Como você resolveu o problema?

The Agricultural Ministry had set “Culturas anuais e permanentes” as an advisory priority for 2019 e 2020. The Round Table was part of the local strategy of implementing the new advisory focus. In the meantime, the state-wide referendumsave the beesdominated the debate. o agente do INRAe não entendeu a iniciativa do agricultor de alterar o protocolo para torná-lo mais viável no campo, the trust had to be established among the usually opposing groups by good facilitation. The mission of the round table has been elaborated in a workshop and then, common activities have been developed and realized.
At the Round Table Biodiversity Landshut, for the first time, local environmental activists and farmers discuss together practical solutions for the decline of biodiversity and loss of species in the agricultural landscape, instead of blaming each other. The forum was initiated in 2019 and facilitated by the local field office of the Agricultural State Advisory Service (AELF Landshut).

Quais são os fatores de sucesso na resolução do problema?

The Round Table Landshut is stillalive”, maybe because the actors learn a lot from each other. The State Advisory Service is accepted as a competent and neutral partner from both sidesenvironmentalists and farmers.

Falhas inesperadas, caso existam

Low participation in the first public event for the public, due to not offering parking option for cars.

Lições aprendidas

Think more customer-oriented in event marketing.

Qual a função do consultor ou serviço de consultoria dentro do caso prático?

Initiator and facilitator.

Sua abordagem pode ser transferida e / ou adaptada para outros desafios de inovação e regiões?


Transferibilidade estimada em uma escala de 1 Ir para o conteúdo 5
(Onde 1 é fácil e 5 muito difícil)


Por compartilhar a experiência nas boas práticas, please contact Frank Trauzettel (frank.trauzettel[em]aelf-al.bayern.de, +49 871 603 1200)
Search for more information: https://www.aelf-la.bayern.de/landwirtschaft/230242/index.php