Kaj je bil izziv/problem, ki je bil obravnavan?

Montado is a silvo-pastoral production system, sometimes even agroforestry, but the most decisive component for its balance is the trees, because without them Montado cannot exist. In a scenario where they disappear or are destroyed, sustainable approaches are needed.

Kako ste rešili problem?

With a multi-stakeholder approach that includes forestry, an IT service provider and a team of agronomists and advisors, in a joint 3-year project.

Kateri so dejavniki uspeha pri reševanju problema?

A consortium innovation project bringing decisions based on concrete and robust data, regarding the renewal of the Montado, moving from an empirical to a rigorous approach based on scientific assumptions.

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After a broader approach, with the support of the scientific community, it was realized that a tailor-made and applied innovation approach with an immediate impact on research was needed.

Naučena lekcija.

The innovation process, as long as it consists of a clear objective and a multidisciplinary team that interacts and complements the various needs of the project, does not need public funding, because the impact is already an inalienable added value.

Kakšno vlogo ima svetovalec ali svetovalna služba v praktičnem primeru?

  • Supported the creation of a multi-actor team.
  • Co-creation approaches throughout the process.
  • Connection between technological solutions and their application in a wider spectrum.

Ali je mogoče vaš pristop prenesti in/ali prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izzivom in regijam?


kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5

(kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo)


Za izmenjavo izkušenj o dobri praksi, please contact Nuno Rodrigues (npr@mgilferreira.com)