Neki savjetnici, sudjelovanje u i2connect programu obuke, mogli biti uključeni u obećavajuću inicijativu interaktivne inovacije, and have a clear idea about an effective approach to support it. I2connect offers the opportunity to those advisors to apply for support to pilot this approach through i2connect. These pilots will become showcases for approaches supporting interactive innovation under specific local circumstances. Kako bi se kvalificirao za pilota, the following criteria have to be met:

  • Pilot uključuje više dionika.
  • Pilot je usmjeren na održive inovacije.
  • Pilot ima za cilj riješiti određeni izazov.
  • Pripravnik, prijavljivanje za pilota, preuzima ulogu voditelja.
  • Pilot slučaj može biti dio većeg projekta, ali se financiranje koristi za potporu aspektu zajedničkog stvaranja.

i2connect offers a budget of max EUR 5542 za pripravnika koji preuzima ulogu voditelja. Ovaj proračun pokriva troškove osoblja i druge troškove (npr. putni troškovi) i mora biti propisno opravdan. Ukupno 13 piloti će biti odabrani i podržani.

The pilot projects offer the opportunity for a selected number of participants in the training for advisors to put their training into practice and test out an interactive innovation approach. Međutim, since the resources to support these projects are rather limited, we were looking for a way to make the pilot projects accessible and the administrative process as simple as possible for the participants. U ovom dokumentu, the application, selection and reporting process for i2connect Task 4.3, pilot projekti, is explained.

We are aware that these are very broad criteria. The pilot projects are a tool for experimentation, so we want to allow as much diversity as possible. The core remains, naravno, that the projects involve a multi-actor approach. If you wish to apply, please use the application template!

For any questions, please send an email to