Koji je izazov/problem bio riješen?

The challenge of the project is to solve one of the biggest difficulty in innovation : how to disseminate the results and facilitation appropriation by others ? We decide to focus on a practice that has been already tested and validated: cover crop. In addition to deploying plant cover, the aim is to test and formalise an effective method for deploying and transferring proven agro-ecological practices on a large scale, defined and targeted by sector and region (in this case, plant cover), in order to bolster the agro-ecological transition of farms in New Aquitaine and Occitanie.

Kako ste riješili problem?

To build an effective dissemination, the project is organised in different step :

1-Build a diverse and strong partnership to involve advisor of all type of organisation (cooperative, association, chamber of agriculture, cuma, …) and focus on territory (the real action in agriculture is a the very local level)

2-Make a first picture of the situation in the territories of the project : by collecting data, by interviewing actors, …

3-Build a local roadmap with the partners involved in the project, and find new partners interesting in the subject (cover crop)

4-Develop action to disseminate the practice : to the advisor first, to the farmers, to the student, …

5-Make sure to be in a feedback process and try to get better after each action

6-Make a final picture with the same methodology used in step 2, to analyse effects of the project on the territories.

Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?

The innivation part is to try and find a dissemination methodology that can fit to every innovation subject in agriculture, so we can re-use it on other practice than cover crop. A project on digital tools has been developed on the same methodology.

Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?

For now, the project is on-going and the first step are done :

1-Building the partnership -> thanks to a communication and a dissemination about the project from the beginning of it (january 2023), more and more people and organisation are interesting in the project ;

2-The first picture has been done, and we have an idea of the use of cover crop over the region ;

3-Every territory involved in the project (7 local territory over 2 big regions) has a roadmap with the context of the area, the local network and the action plan / planning ;

4-We are now in the development phase, with feedback and actions to develop.

Naučene lekcije

Very important to disseminate from the beginning of the project to talk about the project, and let the other know about it

Each territory has its dynamic and we had to adapt the methodology to each one (fr example, one of the territory is impacted by very important dryness, so they are blocked in the dissemination of cover crop : how to deal with it?)

U početku, it is important to support advisor in order to build a good dynamic and strategy into the territory

Let the advisor develop their action at the local level, and support them with capacity building and peers exchange at the project level

Kakvu ulogu ima savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba u praktičnom slučaju?

Advisor are in the middle of the process :

Identify the local network to contact in order to disseminate cover crop ;

Participate to the first picture by sending data, informacija, feedback, impression and by organising focus group on their territory ;

Organise meeting during the first year to identify: situation and context of the territory about cover crop, identify actors to involve, define and plan actions to disseminate cover crop at the local level ;

Organise and make the actions with advisor, farmes and students on the territory.

In each territory, there is a project consortium with 4 Consulai_i2connect_Horizon2020+logo_1 10 advisors involved in ADOPTAE. To facilitate this group, one advisor is the facilitator of the territory. The facilitator organise the local meeting, follow the realisation of the action and make the link with the project managers. This facilitator is a facilitator of farmer’s group in general so he/she has capacity on facilitation.

Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?


Procijenjena prenosivost na ljestvici od 1 Consulai_i2connect_Horizon2020+logo_1 5

(gdje 1 je lako i 5 vrlo teško)



Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, molimo kontaktirajte

Marie Boitelet

marie.boitelet@occitanie.chambagri.fr / +33 6 09 15 63 82

Link na vanjske informacije
