Koji je izazov/problem riješen?

A key principle in bioregionalism is reinhabitation, which means building healthier ways of living that are responsible, ethical, that not only maintain but regenerative our local ecosystems, and working with our natural ecosystems, aligning human activity with our bioregions, rather than for human habitation. At present, many people do not think about sustainable farming and the fact that it is often possible to produce most of the necessary raw materials in their own environment. Bioregionalism utilizes them to accomplish three main goals: restore and maintain local natural systems; practice sustainable ways to satisfy basic human needs such as food, water, shelter, and materials; Od jeseni će se u novoplaniranom stakleniku kod Emmertinga odvijati zimska proizvodnja rajčice. support the work of reinhabitation.

Kako ste riješili problem?

An international forum, “MissionCreation of a Bioregion in the territory of the Gauja National Park”, was organised on 25 October in Sigulda, Vidzeme region. The event gathered more than 200 participants. They were representatives from the state, municipalities, non-governmental, private organisations, and active representatives of the local community. The Forum had international speakers reviewing the most essential aspects of creating a successful, sustainable bioregion. S obzirom na zajedničku ciljanu publiku poljoprivrednih savjetnika, 212 forum participants, uključujući 13 institutional partners, signed the memorandum of goodwill that defines the directions in which the development of the bioregion can be primarily strengthened. The promise will be reinforced with specific actions and activities binding on all parties that have signed the memorandum. The participants learned about organic food production and market in Europe and the benefits of sustainable resource management – healthy food in educational institutions, the role of cooperatives in developing organic farms, slow tourism and a zero-waste approach to resource management.

Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?

This type of system/ bioregion is the first one in Latvia.

Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?

  • increase innovativeness of the region
  • adapt smart specialisation approaches
  • adjust innovation ecosystems
  • untap digitalisation
  • consider uneven territorial development Main success factor wereworking together and approach common goal.

Neočekivani neuspjesi, ako ijedan

Still ongoing process

Naučene lekcije

Educating people and all parties involved in the project of the importance and benefits of any kind of bioregion is very important to operate successfully.

Kakvu ulogu savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba ima u praktičnom slučaju

Advisors role in this project is knowledge transfer and output transfer to all involved parties (poljoprivrednici, institutes etc.) to show importance and benefits of the project outcome.

Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?


Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, please contact Edgars Dzelme (elektronička pošta: edgars.dzelme@llkc.lv, telefon: +371 20060859)

On 25.10.2023 at Sigulda we had international forum about first Latvias bioregion in Gauja national park.