Koji je izazov/problem bio riješen?

Through the project “Optimization of irrigation and fertilization system in table olive crops using innovative precision agriculture methods” we are aiming to the optimizations of the production of olive crops. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive production protocol for olive trees and their crops. Collaborating with partners is crucial as they bring specific expertise to the project, contributing significantly to the achievement of our overall objective.

Kako ste riješili problem?

We are employing precision agriculture techniques in an olive oil tree orchard, aiming to determine the optimal fertilization and irrigation methods for achieving the highest production yield. Through the collection of soil data and NDVI images obtained from drone flights, we are analyzing the correlation between results from two crop periods. The ultimate goal is to develop a production protocol specifically tailored for optimizing the cultivation of olive crops.

Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?

The application of innovative precision agriculture methods is a key aspect in our specific scenario. Given the significance of olive trees for Greece, employing novel techniques to enhance production will be beneficial.

Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?

The cooperation between the partners and the collection of data from different sources and across the crop period.

Naučene lekcije

Farmers and cooperatives are increasingly intrigued by the incorporation of new technologies and smart agricultural practices into their production methods.

Kakvu ulogu ima savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba u praktičnom slučaju?

The regional advisory service plays a key role in coordinating this initiative, with farmers turning to them for guidance.

Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?


Procijenjena prenosivost na ljestvici od 1 Consulai_i2connect_Horizon2020+logo_1 5

(gdje 1 je lako i 5 vrlo teško)



Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, molimo kontaktirajte

Spyros Fountas, Olga Kriezi

sfountas@aua.gr , o.kriezi@aua.gr

Link na vanjske informacije
