Koji je izazov/problem bio riješen?
This is a new initiative of a social and technical nature regarding the possibility for citizens of other countries to develop business in Bulgaria
Kako ste riješili problem?
At this stage, I am working on the issue with a lot of desire and opportunity for development
Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?
By using Breeding of non-regional animals for meat, eggs and tourism. The presence of people with a different way of thinking and living.the tools learned, the process is not over yet.
Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?
Maximum adaptation of the farmer to the new environment. Evidence of the new venture, which is not typical for the country and region.
Naučene lekcije
Careful adaptation of tools and activities to each specific case
Kakvu ulogu ima savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba u praktičnom slučaju?
Using the specific techniques, special attention, delicate insistence and very good explanation of all the details in the cooperation. constant communication by phone, e-mail and on site
Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?
Procijenjena prenosivost na ljestvici od 1 Consulai_i2connect_Horizon2020+logo_1 5
(gdje 1 je lako i 5 vrlo teško)
Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, molimo kontaktirajte
Green Bird Farm