Koji je izazov/problem riješen?
Is steady humus development over a longer period in grassland possible and can this process be optimized through fertilization; this has always been a very big question and a challenge to both farmers and researchers and therefore it is time to plan a project, that will demonstrates that, with proper fertilization and management, the carbon footprint of grassland is significantly better than its known reputation. The project concept will include the implementation of the following goals which are relevant to the practitioner or the end-user.
- Improving the image of dairy farming in grassland areas.
- Comparison of conventional management methods with the alternative approach of integrated consideration of fertilization in different yield zones (high, medium, low)
- Increasing grassland yields and the efficiency of organic fertilization with a simultaneous improvement in the Carbon (iv) Oxide balance.
Kako ste riješili problem?
In order to solve this problem, the project will conduct a prior selection of the experimental areas is necessary. For this purpose, 10-year-old satellite data are utilized to determine the biomass growth to categorize the areas into yield zones (high, medium, low). The aim of the experiment to be planned is to examine the humus development in three different yield zones and a possible optimization through fertilization. This should ideally be performed on several grassland areas (Berchtesgaden, Chiemgau, Garmisch). Nadalje, various management and/or fertilization strategies should be considered in the planning. The data collection should also be planned and coordinated. We intend to create a project, that will provide data on the various management and fertilization strategies and their effects on the humus content and thus on the carbon bound in the grassland.
Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?
The project has several innovation potentials:
1) Basis for recommended measures for humus build-up and thus C storage in grassland soils
2) Recommendation for action and identification of measures to build up humus in grassland
3) Expansion of the app developed by the KIT Alpine Center for user-friendly use in practice
4) Expansion of the LfL climate check and thus a more holistic representation of GHG emissions in milk production taking into account the C soil storage
Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?
The project to be derived from the project idea should enable knowledge to improve the yield and the formation of new roots in grassland, through an integrated considered site-specific fertilization. Micro- and macronutrients, as well as correlations between these nutrients, should be considered.
We were able to gain additional research partners and sharpen the focus on our topic (industry and research).
Neočekivani neuspjesi, ako ijedan
We need more financial support than expected.
Naučene lekcije
Since the project just finished the first phase,alot has not been learnt. So far the lesson we have learnt, was how useful 8-month of planning are. We started with the approach to plan and setting up three new field experiments. After research and discussion with experts in this field, we moved to sampling existing field experiments and existing fields on farms, to perform a metanalysis. Nadalje, we were able to acquire more research partners.By having more research partners it will enable us to have adequate research with within minimum time and well utilisation of resources since there will be division of labour and specialization.
Kakvu ulogu savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba ima u praktičnom slučaju
The advisor played the following roles and is still conducting:
- Professional support
- Administrative support
- Umrežavanje
- Knowledge transfer
- Development of methodological competence
Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?
Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, molimo kontaktirajte Lena Käsbauer (elektronička pošta: lk.eip-co2kuh@farmtastic.consulting Broj telefona: 09424/ 940370)