Koji je izazov/problem bio riješen?

Farmers in the Jura mountain massif face significant challenges regarding environmental issues and landscape maintenance, especially due to the presence of numerous hedges. Međutim, these hedges pose constraints for them due to strict regulations from the Department of Agriculture and the time cost required for their maintenance.

For the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) and the Jura Nature Environment association (JNE), preserving these hedges in a Natura 2000 area is crucial.

Research conducted by the local agroforestry faculty has led to the development of tools for sustainable hedge management that they wished to test.


Kako ste riješili problem?

Initially, a typology framework specific to the Jura department’s hedges was developed, considering parameters such as density, species, and agricultural practices. This helped characterize the small mountain territory.

Naknadno, meetings and farm visits were organized to conduct a social diagnosis to identify the difficulties farmers face in sustainable hedge management.

Konačno, a technical day was organized to kickstart this initiative. It practically demonstrated the implementation of a sustainable hedge management plan, notably highlighting wood shredding for use as mulch.

This process led to the creation of an Economic and Environmental Interest Group (GIEE), which established an open training program covering various aspects such as hedge planting, sustainable management, and mulch utilization.


Ono što je inovativno u vašem praktičnom slučaju?

Organizational Innovation: An environmental protection association played a crucial role in supporting the project, considering both farmersinterests and environmental challenges. This collaboration was an unusual case of actors who typically don’t engage in dialogue, or even have conflictual relations. The social diagnosis allowed the association to access farms and propose simplified solutions for hedge management, focusing on assistance rather than denunciation. The willingness and motivation of farmers were essential elements that enabled this project to come to fruition.

Technical Innovation: The use of wood chips as bedding for cattle is an innovative practice in the Jura massif. This approach offers several significant advantages: it eliminates the need to purchase straw from the plains, resulting in substantial savings both in straw purchase cost (€120/ton compared to €40/ton for producing wood chips) and in the purchase of mineral supplements, as wood is richer than straw. Dodatno, this practice helps limit soil depletion in the plains, where the straw originates, while avoiding hedge branch burning.


Koji su čimbenici uspjeha u rješavanju problema?

Organizing a technical day with 70 participants helped kickstart a dynamic and find motivated individuals for the creation of a GIEE.


Naučene lekcije

Concrete actions are essential; organizing events to discuss a concept alone doesn’t work, but on-site activities with farmers, machinery, and moments of conviviality are crucial. It’s necessary to engage with the network and approach it with its social habits.


Kakvu ulogu ima savjetnik ili savjetodavna služba u praktičnom slučaju?

Victor from the JNE association assumed a role of advisor and facilitator for the farmers, establishing friendly relationships as he himself is a farmer. He invested time at the end of the day to meet farmers in an informal setting, thus fostering more open and sincere exchanges. He identified groups of farmers who were already working together, who knew each other well, or helped them meet in person to strengthen their bonds.

S druge strane, a person from the CUMA played a crucial role in highlighting the specific needs of farmers, thereby enabling better collaboration.


Može li se vaš pristup prenijeti i/ili prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izazovima i regijama?


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Za razmjenu iskustava o dobroj praksi, molimo kontaktirajte

Victor Faivre Pierret (include Agathe Darret for translation)

victor@jne.asso.fr // agathe.darret@apca.chambagri.fr