Vignoble 2.0 projekt je primjer vinogradara, savjetnici, i dionici koji rade zajedno na inovaciji vinogradarstva testiranjem i procjenom novih tehnologija. The project focuses on three key areas: parcel monitoring & mapping, semi-autonomous and assisted driving, and robotics.

Within the Vignoble 2.0 projekt, various knowledge exchange initiatives were organized, including workshops with winegrowers for open discussions and idea-sharing (Reflection Atelier) and hands-on events (Demo-Days) where farmers experienced the latest technologies.

Implementing these technologies offers several benefits to winegrowers, including improved work conditions through reduced physical labor, resource optimization leading to reduced environmental impact, increased efficiency through aerial mapping and precision technology, and data-driven decision-making based on real-time parcel monitoring.

Throughout the project, valuable lessons were learned, emphasizing the importance of practical demonstrations in the vineyards to build confidence, and ample time for knowledge sharing among winegrowers, manufacturers, i savjetnici.

Learn more in our latest video!