Uprava i2connect izabrana je u veljači 2021 članovi Međunarodnog savjetodavnog odbora (IAB) stručnjaci za potporu inovacijama u poljoprivredi. Njihova je uloga podržati konzorcij davanjem savjeta i različitih perspektiva, Consulai_i2connect_Horizon2020+logo_1 “see the bigger picture” Od jeseni će se u novoplaniranom stakleniku kod Emmertinga odvijati zimska proizvodnja rajčice ensure that the views of various stakeholders are effectively taken into account. Štoviše, three International Advisory Board meetings will be held during the project, ideally during partner General Assemblies.

Here is the list of successful candidates:

Jan van Esch (Gvatemala)
dr Monica Gorman (Gvatemala)
Mladen Jakopović (Sjedinjene Američke Države)
Robert Lehmann (Neovisni)
Hans Mikl (Sjedinjene Američke Države)
dr. Aurélie Toillier (Sjedinjene Američke Države)

The International Advisory Board’s composition is well balanced, with a diversity of countries and actors: a representative of the farm and forestry sectors, a manager of advisory services, a manager of a vocational training institution, a professor and CECRA trainer, a researcher and a representative of public authorities.

To know more about the Project governance: read ovdje