Kopš gada sākuma 2022, mūsu projekta aktivitātes ir pastiprinājušās: februārī, two training courses for advisors were held in Hungary and a Joint workshop with the FAIRshare project to exchange good practices and complementarities; in March, a first cross-visit involving advisors from five European countries took place in Slovenia and a first Regional AKIS Stakeholders workshop to discuss AKIS reporting ideas with Northern European stakeholders was held online.

We are currently preparing a second Regional AKIS Stakeholders workshop addressing the Southern European countries on the 8th of June, as well as the First Excellence classes in which a group of managers, coming from various EU countries, will be trained on innovation support services. Beidzot, the First summer school for students will be conducted in Greece at the end of July.

And many more activities are planned for the second half of the yearhave read through our #4 i2connect Newsletter and don`t forget to subscribe here for the next updates!