Qual foi o desafio / problema que foi abordado? Por que é importante que a parceria resolva o problema?

The DATAGRI Forum was created in 2018 with the aim of promoting the digital transformation process in the agri-food sector. Innovate, disseminate, cooperate and surprise are the four action verbs that mark the philosophy of this plural initiative.
It is very important for boosting digitalisation in agriculture.

Como você resolveu o problema? (Ou se o seu caso prático ainda está em andamento, como você está resolvendo o problema?)

Annual meeting point of the agri-food network.
From the producer to the retailer. DATAGRI unites all the nodes of the agri-food network to present technological innovations, establish new synergies and generate business opportunities to work for sustainable, safe and quality agriculture.
The technology is seen, and it is touched. It lasts two days: During the Forum Day you will be able to hear what projects research centers, universities and technology companies are immersed in. And thanks to Demo Day you will be able to experiment and connect directly with innovation.
Leaders in digitalization in Southern Europe.
After 6 editions, DATAGRI Forum is a consolidated and benchmark event in Europe and Latin America to discover the next technological trends in the sector worldwide.
In summary, the objectives of the DATAGRI Forum are:
BOOST. Digital transformation in the agri-food chain.
RAISE AWARENESS. About success stories of digital transformation, technologies and innovation.
CONTRIBUTE. To reduce the barriers to implementing digital transformation, to create standards of good practice and opportunities for collaboration.

O que há de inovador no seu caso prático? (por exemplo. inovação tecnológica, novo produto ou serviço, mercado

inovações, inovações sociais/organizacionais etc.)

The way to cooperate between different AKIS actors and media partners in order to promote the best event in digitalisation in Europe.

Quais são os fatores de sucesso na resolução do problema?

The support of public administrations such as autonomous regions, councils and especially the Ministry of Agriculture, Pesca e Alimentação.

Falhas inesperadas, caso existam.

With the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic was very tough for organizers.

Lições aprendidas.

The event program has been improved.
More and more demonstration activities are included in Farm Day.
The number of attendees has grown.
Farmers are being reached with digitalization initiatives.
And the participation of the operational groups in DATAGRI has been very notable. Other European projects with a multi-actor approach have also participated.

Por compartilhar a experiência sobre as boas práticas, entre em contato

Juan Pedro Romero Trueba,
