Qual foi o desafio / problema que foi abordado?

The Corona crisis clearly showed that many citizens are interested in working on farms, helping farmers in various ways. This project involves a group of farmers who are open to cooperation with citizens and departs from their own needs, as well as the more general needs of the industry to involve citizenspaid and unpaidin farming activities.

Closer cooperation between farmers and citizens in various forms (volunteering, care, educational practice, paid work, citizen involvement, serviços públicos) indeed has many different potentials. Contudo, this potential is largely untapped.

The project will reduce barriers to citizen participation and aims to promote innovative forms of cooperation. Re-evaluating volunteering and employment statutes based on legal expertise. What conditions need to be taken into account, such as competition rules, how governments can become facilitators of farmer-citizen co-creation food strategies.

Como você resolveu o problema?

We created a project where farmers, experts and scientists are working on:

  1. a breakthrough notes on farmer and citizen participation.
  1. a learning network for experimenting with farmer and citizen cooperation.

Develop policy strategies by exploring new labor market programs based on existing campaigns and platforms that emerged and were strengthened during the lockdown period.

Quais são os fatores de sucesso na resolução do problema?

  • Find appropriate legal models for cooperation between farmers and citizens.
  • Providing an enabling system for training citizens.
  • Providing innovative platforms for cooperation between farmers and citizens.

Falha inesperada, se houver


Lições aprendidas.


Qual a função do consultor ou serviço de consultoria dentro do caso prático?

ILVO played an important role in the creation and writing of the project proposal. Even if it is a farmer-centric issue and farmers are at the center of the steering group.

Sua abordagem pode ser transferida e / ou adaptada para outros desafios de inovação e regiões?


Transferibilidade estimada em uma escala de 1 Ir para o conteúdo 5

(Onde 1 é fácil e 5 muito difícil)


Por compartilhar a experiência sobre as boas práticas, please contact Maarten Crevits (maarten.crivits@ilvo.vlaanderen.be)