Biblioteca de vídeos

Methods and Tools : Tutorials on how to foster interactive innovation;processos.

These videos introduce a range of tools and methods used in the i2connect project to foster interactive innovation. Each video covers a specific topic, like network analysis, co-creation facilitation, or skill development for advisors. These tutorials enable advisors to compare different approaches and adapt them to their own contexts.

Map of actors : an easy method to analyse networks

My favorite tool for co-creation

How to use the tool Spiral of Innovations : exemple for the operational group ArboNovateur

Role play on how to use tools for co-creation

Facilitation tips for innovation & change

Interactive innovation and networking in Hungary

Casos Práticos : Examples of successful implementation of innovations

These videos showcase real-world examples of innovative advisory projects in agriculture. They explore the role of advisors and the methods used to adapt innovations across various European contexts.

Intensificação ecológica da agricultura – experiências de Portugal (Segunda Via)

FInALförderung von Insekten in Agrarlandschaften

AGLAE : Sharing agro-ecological practices

Biodistritos : uma abordagem territorial da agricultura orgânica na Itália

How to improve farmers discussion groups ?

Tracking cattle using IoT Advisors asinnovation hub

Star’Earth – an agri-food innovation platform

Lebensraum:naturMenschen für briodiversität begeistern

Soybean coltivation under nordic conditions

AGROSYL : Agroforestry for feed autonomy

Reducing Pesticides in Viticulture: Innovative Techniques in Slovenian Vineyards

Farmers working group on no-tillExperiences from Latvia

Déseherbage integré : le choix des méthodes

FAO experience in strengthening agricultural extension services

Project Events and Progress : Coverage of project activities such as cross visits or training courses

Project Eventsshowcases key activities like cross visits, summer schools, and training courses organized through the i2connect project. These videos highlight the importance of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building among advisors across Europe.

Advisors learn about interactive innovation

2nd regional AKIS stakeholders workshop : Sul da Europa

AnalyzingGoCitrics” Agricultura de Precisão em Citrinos

Treinamento – Summer School Excellence ClassCross Visit

New Master at Uni Hohenheim: Advisory Innovation Services in Agri-Food Systems

Conference in Hungary

Vegan cakesoybeansno tillcereal processing

For advisory managers on HR, finances and organization

Analysing an EIP-Agri Operational Group

Empowering agricultural advisors in Europe: Key outcomes of the i2connect project