Kaj je bil obravnavan izziv/problem?

Dangerous invasive plant and animal species threaten Latvia’s natural diversity, as well impacting the farming process. About a third of the plant and animal species found in nature in Latvia are foreign species. O tem 10% of alien species are dangerousinvasive species that threaten the diversity of nature in Latvia: they spread aggressively and outcompete local species. Invasive species can not only cause economic damage, cause changes in natural ecosystems, ampak, for certain species, also damage human health. In Latvia, invasive plants and animals are becoming an increasing problem, as they significantly affect the diversity of nature.

Kako ste rešili problem?

In this project we created platform – “The Invasive Species Manager”. The Invasive Species Manager offers to familiarize yourself with almost 50 invasive species. These are alien species that are included in the EU regulation, as well as those that scientists have recognized as invasive or potentially invasive in Latviafast-growing, rapidly multiplying and spreading, threatening local species and biological diversity. The Invasive Species Manager provides an opportunity to get to know the invasive plant and animal species in Latvia with the help of illustrations and concise descriptions and to provide reports on their distribution.

Kaj je v vašem praktičnem primeru inovativno?

Innovation is ongoing process and one of this project goal is to find innovation, new practice of how to limit (dont let them spreading around) this kind of invasive species in Latvia nature. Part of project was to get a group of peoples, mostly students trying to find new ways to limit this kind of species.

Kateri so dejavniki uspeha pri reševanju problema?

Main success factor is working together. Good cooperation between all interested partiesuniversities, študentov, scientists, advisers and also farmers themself.

Valorizacija drevesnih sadežev kot hrane, če kateri

Some of the invasive species are very hard to limit and there for its almost impossible to find new ways to do it.

Naučena lekcija

Some of the invasive species is a problem also in other countries with similar climate and nature, so its very important to look around and maybe find some answers that are already there. Even if the factors and results are not absolutely the same, there still might be some very useful information to use.

Kakšno vlogo ima svetovalec ali svetovalna služba v praktičnem primeru

Advisers played very important role in this. They were part of all process from coordinating to being part of work groups and also following the innovation process and results of it.

Ali je mogoče vaš pristop prenesti in/ali prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izzivom in regijam?


Za izmenjavo izkušenj o dobri praksi, please contact Edgars Dzelme (e-pošta: edgars.dzelme@llkc.lv, telefon: +371 20060859)
