Kaj je bil obravnavani izziv/problem?

The aim of the project entitled: ” Establishment of a variable rate dose system of fertilizer in linear crops with the use of an innovative component to increase agricultural yield of crops”, is to upgrade a fertilizer dispenser to achieve precision fertilization, depending on the needs of the field, which will be determined through soil analysis and drone flights. The collaboration among the partners is significant, as each individual brings their expertise to the project’s execution.

Kako ste rešili problem?

The suggested mechanism aims to customize fertilization according to the specific requirements of the plot.

Kaj je v vašem praktičnem primeru inovativno?

In our practical case, the innovation lies in the combination of different technological and agricultural sectors.

Kateri so dejavniki uspeha pri reševanju problema?

Collaboration on a regional level among partners, each contributing their unique expertise.

Naučena lekcija

Farmers and cooperatives are increasingly intrigued by the incorporation of new technologies and smart agricultural practices into their production methods.

Kakšno vlogo ima svetovalec ali svetovalna služba pri praktičnem primeru?

The university (Kmetijska univerza v Atenah) assumes the role of an advisor, providing guidance to farmers who seek advice and assistance in designing experiments and pilot projects.

Ali je mogoče vaš pristop prenesti in/ali prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izzivom in regijam?


kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5

(kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo)



Za izmenjavo izkušenj o dobri praksi, prosim kontaktirajte

Spyros Fountas and Olga Kriezi

sfountas@aua.gr , o.kriezi@aua.gr

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