Kaj je bil obravnavan izziv/problem?

The challenges/problems that were addressed were:
The process of applying spray mixture in vineyards is still uncontrolled to a large extent.
Conservation of native biodiversity in vineyards and their immediate surroundings.
Searching for alternative and innovative ways of weed control without using the herbicide glyphosate.
The appropriate procedure for measuring ripening of grapes in vineyards.

Kako ste rešili problem?

The practical case deals with new agricultural practices, processes and technologies, relating to alternative weed control systems without the use of the herbicide glyphosate; use of high-tech modern spraying technology equipped with LIDAR sensors on the effectiveness of control of diseases and pests of vines; conservation of biodiversity in the vineyard and its surroundings; and the process of new practices for measuring grape ripening in the vineyard. All of the above sets of practices, procesov, and technologies added value to the sustainable production of grapes for wine and fresh use. The integration of all stakeholders (farmer, raziskovalec, svetovalci) in the knowledge transfer and innovation system of the proposed project was crucial, not only in terms of productivity and competitiveness, but also in terms of better environmental management and environmental performance.

Kateri so dejavniki uspeha pri reševanju problema?

Experts from different fields participated in the project, which enabled the exchange of opinions from many different fields and increased the possibilities of acquiring new knowledge.

Valorizacija drevesnih sadežev kot hrane, če kateri

The process of development of innovation was not interactive from beginning until the end of the project. The basic idea itself was interactive, but originates from some previous projects (story from the past – improving the prototype of the sprayer for sustainable agriculture) and not all project partners in the current project were involved in this part. Na primer, advisors and farmers were introduced to it and agreed with cooperation.

Naučena lekcija

The advisorsopinion was that, their participation in the project was a rewarding experience. They were cognizant of their pivotal role within an operational group capable of producing enduringly beneficial results. The outcomes will not only advantage the growers but will also be beneficial to nature. Through scientific research aimed at developing new processes, technologies, vaje, and products, researchers aspire to apply these advancements directly to the practical work of farmers and advisory services. Their collective goal is to facilitate the sustainable production of wine grapes, which can be used for both wine production and as fresh fruit. Farmers were thrilled to participate in the EIP project. This opportunity allowed them to directly contribute to the development of new, environmentally friendly cultivation and crop protection technologies. These advancements were particularly crucial given the significant loss of crops due to the increasing prevalence of monoculture farming and invasive non-native plants in their rural areas.

Kakšno vlogo ima svetovalec ali svetovalna služba v praktičnem primeru?

Model in sistem sledljivosti, ki ga vzpostavljamo, lahko pomembno prispeva k prihodnjemu razvoju ekološkega kmetovanja v Sloveniji.
Z zagotavljanjem jasnejše sledljivosti, bomo lahko povečali zaupanje potrošnikov. Kot rezultat, več ekološke govedine bomo prodali ciljnim potrošnikom. Podatki, ki bodo zajeti in združeni na enem mestu v sistemu, bodo uporabni tudi za svetovalno delo na kmetiji..

Ali je mogoče vaš pristop prenesti in/ali prilagoditi drugim inovacijskim izzivom in regijam?


kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5
(kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 1 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 5 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo)


Za izmenjavo izkušenj o dobri praksi, please contact dr. Peter Berk (peter.berk@um.si ; +386 51369548)
