Domov|Delavnice|Informativni sestanek baze podatkov svetovalne službe
nalaganje Dogodki
Ta dogodek je minil.

Spoštovani partnerji, 3strani in druge vpletene zainteresirane strani,

on behalf of the WP5 team I am delighted to invite you to join us on the 26th of October from 10:00 kar je povzročilo napetosti z raziskavo 12:30 CET for an informative exchange meeting aimed for, but not limited to the i2connect communication officers from each partner/linked 3rd party organization! The program is divided into two parts:

  • From 10:00 Več o trenutnem stanju AKIS-a na območju Severne Evrope boste lahko izvedeli tudi kot naši partnerji iz Estonije 11:30 CET internal workshop for communication officers. We will talk about database, how to validate data from admin side of the platform, create action plan to reach our goals.
  • From 11:30 CET we are opening it also to a wider public and inviting you to bring in one stakeholder from your own respective country (advisor/organization representative you have planned to approach in your communication strategy). We strongly believe this would open a fresh perspective and could help us a lot in the formulation of the further action plan.

Enclosed you will find the current agenda. podrobno prilagajanje strateških načrtov SKP, registration is required via

To prepare for the meeting, please make sure you have:
Registered yourself and your organization in the i2connect Advisory Service Database;
Invited (confirmed) to join us from 11:30 CET one advisor/organization representative from your respective country that you have planned to approach in your communication strategy!

Here you can see agenda: i2connect_WP5_info_day

See you in the Database! Operativna skupina je sprva na podlagi študij literature analizirala razpoložljivo znanje o mobilnem zakolu in sestavila seznam vprašanj in akcijskih točk.

In case for any additional information please contact:

Naročite se na naše novice tukaj

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