Domov|Konference|zaključna konferenca i2connect
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Save the date for a possibility to join i2connect final conference: Supporting interactive innovation in Europe trough advisory services!

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The i2connect final conference will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of October 2024 in Varna, Bolgarija. This project aims to empower advisors and facilitators to podpirati interaktivne inovacijske procese v kmetijskem in gozdarskem sektorju. Ta dogodek je namenjen številnim ciljne skupine: EIP-AGRI moderatorji, advisors in agriculture, forestry or rural development, obravnavanje tudi težko dostopnih kategorij kmetov in, storitve podpore inovacijam, trainers for these various groups, as well as researchers working on interactive innovation and public authorities. To bo zadnja priložnost za odkrivanje rezultati od i2connect: nacionalne študije AKIS, in-depth case studies of interactive innovation projects across Europe, vsebine in gradiva za usposabljanje, komplet orodij za moderatorje, a pool of trained experts – superge, svetovalci, managers and studentswho can be contacted via i2connect’s “Advisory Services Database”… Ti rezultati bodo predstavljeni v interaktivni format, inviting contributions and reflections from participants. Tam bo tudi terenski obiski odkriti inovativne projekte v Bolgariji, in čas za neformalne pogovore in mreženje med udeleženci (glej priloženi osnutek dnevnega reda + ponudba namestitve).

Please feel free to contact the i2connect coordination team ( in for any question and to prepare your participation in the conference. We look forward to greeting you in Varna!

Final conference


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