Domov|Delavnice|Poletna šola i2connect v Nemčiji: Krepitev zmogljivosti bodočih svetovalcev za podporo interaktivnim inovacijam
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Save the date for the upcoming i2connect Summer School that is going to be organized at Hohenheim University from the 11th to the 15th of September. The course will cover crucial topics and concepts for delivering advisory work in the framework of innovation networks, such as the facilitation of interactive processes and the concept of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (OČI). A variety of interactive exercises will be used throughout the course to trigger students’ active participation and creativity and sensitize them to their role as future innovation advisors and the competencies they need to develop for successfully delivering advisory services. The participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with several methodological tools, kot sta spirala pobud/inovacij in trikotnik soustvarjanja, in jih prenesite v prakso, vključno z obiskom kmetije (inovacijski projekt). Takšna orodja so uporabna tako za svetovalce kot za raziskovalce pri analizi inovacijskih mrež, prepoznavanje vloge vpletenih akterjev, in krmarjenje skozi inovacijske ekosisteme. Please have an overview:

Eden ključnih ciljev projekta i2connect je krepitev veščin, Eden ključnih ciljev projekta i2connect je krepitev veščin, communication and/or facilitation, and related topics. Good command of the English language is also necessary. In order to apply, please fill in the Application Form.

We kindly ask you to complete the short form and return it before the 30Pravičen delež of April 2023. You may send your application to Dr (Ms) UO sestavljajo naslednje osebe, email: and/or Prof (Ms) UO sestavljajo naslednje osebe (

You can also have a look at the first i2connect Summer School, aiming at strengthening the capacity of future rural advisors to support interactive innovation, which took place from the 23rd to the 29th of July 2022 na Mediteranskem agronomskem inštitutu v Chanii, Eden ključnih ciljev projekta i2connect je krepitev veščin, Grčija. Agronomska univerza v Atenah kot organizator dogodka in moderatorji Univerze Hohenheim, University College Dublin, Univerza István Széchenyi in Berner Fachhochschule dobrodošli 26 Magisterij in doktorski študenti iz Irske, Slovenščina, italijanščina, francosko, španski, litovski, srbsko, belgijski, švedščina, nemške in grške univerze. Read the full article!

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