Wat was de uitdaging/het probleem dat werd aangepakt?? Why is it important for partnership to solve the problem?
The real problem is innovating. Administrations and bureaucracy are not prepared for new and different cases. Innovation goes ahead of administrations
Hoe heb je het probleem opgelost?? (Of als uw praktijkgeval nog in uitvoering is, hoe lost u het probleem dan op??)
With a lot of patience, resilience and insistence, although there are things that are not resolved and you are simply at a disadvantage.
Wat is innovatief in jouw praktijkgeval? (bijv. Wat is innovatief in jouw praktijkgeval, Wat is innovatief in jouw praktijkgeval, market
innovaties, social/organizational innovations etc.)
I introduced an alternative irrigated crop in a cereal area. I started producing organic blackberry grown without cover in the north of Spain. In aanvulling op, I close the agri-food circle since I have a workshop where I transform the fruit into jam, liquor and chocolates. I also have my own store and agrotourism
Wat zijn succesfactoren bij het oplossen van het probleem?
The people who never give up
Les geleerd.
The people who rule the rules on the field, do not step on it
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