What was the challenge/problem addressed?

Consumer concerns about where their food comes from is growing, and the welfare of farmed animals is a particular focus. In dairy farming, one such concern has focused on the management of surplus calves. Increased cow numbers on Irish dairy farms, and compact calving patterns have resulted in large numbers of surplus male dairy calves born on dairy farms each spring. During the peak calving period, dairy farmers face many challenges: provision of adequate feed for the herd; sourcing skilled help to assist with additional workloads; and having access to adequate calf rearing facilities. As a result, more dairy farmers are looking to contract rearing of both replacement female calves and non-replacement calves to reduce both workload and requirements for facilities on farm. In addition the CBV (Commercial Beef Value) Index will be evaluated as part of the project.

How did you solve the problem?

The aim is to develop an scalable enterprise model for specialised contract rearing for male dairy calves within grass-based calf to beef systems on commercial rearing farms.

In the programme, Teagasc and 10 dry stock farmers entered a collaborative arran

What is innovative in your practical case?

There is no practice of contaract rearing male dairy calves in Ireland. This project is to create a mechanism to examine the real value of rearing low-value surplus male dairy calves and to prevent future animal welfare issues with unwanted animals.

What are the success factors in solving the problem?

Engaging 10 commercial contract rearers and assemble 400 male dairy calves

per year for 3 years to monitor animal performance, costs and returns from birth to slaughter. Rearers follow agreed animal health and management protocols and facilitate routine w

Lessons learned

Importance of good communication, ensure a high level of commitment throughout project partners, quality and health of calves has huge impact on performance.

What role does the advisor or advisory service play with the practical case?

Practical advice at farm level, communication between stakeholders, management of logistics, data collection & analysis. Future recommendations.

Can your approach be transferred and/or adapted for other innovation challenges and regions?


Estimated transferability on a scale from 1 to 5

(where 1 is easy and 5 very difficult)


For sharing the experience on the good practice, please contact 

Tom Coll


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