i2connect Pilot Projects

i2connect supports 13 pilot projects. These are short projects, offering the opportunity to the participants of the i2connect training program to put their training into practice. These pilots showcase approaches supporting interactive innovation under specific local circumstances.

Interested in setting up your own pilot project?

Participants in the i2connect training program can apply for a pilot project, to facilitate an interactive innovation activity. Which activity is entirely up to the facilitator, but can include anything ranging from interactive demonstration, inspiration session, workshop, or something else. The choice is yours!

I2connect offers a budget of max EUR 5542 for the trainee who takes up the role of facilitator. This budget covers both staff costs and other expenses (e.g. travel costs) and has to be duly justified. In total 13 pilots will be selected and supported.

In order to qualify as a pilot, following criteria have to be met:

  • The pilot involves multiple stakeholders.
  • The pilot focuses on sustainable innovation.
  • The pilot aims to resolve a certain challenge.
  • The trainee, applying for the pilot, takes up the role of facilitator.
  • The pilot case can be part of a larger project but the funding is used for supporting a co-creation aspect of it.

To apply for a pilot project fill in the application template and send it to charlotte.lybaert@ilvo.vlaanderen.be.

Pilot projects Application Template

Overview of approved pilot projects:

The following projects were approved as pilot project by the i2connect jury:

1. Integration of interactive innovation approaches in the ADOPTAE project
Contact person: marie.boitelet@occitanie.chambagri.fr; celine.vachon@na.chambagri.fr
Pilot project CHAMBRE AGRI OCC

2. Boost competencies of advisors in the Basque Country to engage and support farmers in interactive innovation processes
Contact: jlaza@abere.eus
Pilot project ABERE
Outcomes of the Pilot project ABERE

3. The use of an advisory service database to evaluate advisors’ interactive innovation competencies
Contact: yaite.cuesta.arenas@zlto.nl
Pilot project AS Database
Outcomes of the Pilot project AS Database

4. Co-creation activities for the implementation of the training and demonstration center ‘Lielozoli’
Contact: dace.langisa@llkc.lv
Pilot project Lielozoli

5. Facilitation of a Makeathon event
Contact: aiva.saulite@llkc.lv
Pilot project Meikatons
Outcomes of the Pilot Project Meikatons

6. Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas
Contact: elina.ozola@llkc.lv
Pilot project Laukiem būt
Outcomes of the Pilot project Laukiem būt

7. Pilot discussion groups for demonstration farm network
Contact: banyaitibor@gazdakontroll.huver.andras@sze.hu
Pilot project in Hungary GazdaKontroll
Outcomes of the Pilot project in Hungary GazdaKontroll

8. Co-creation between farmer and citizens in ‘Jardin des Possibles’ project
Contact: fermeenville@earthfocus.org
Pilot project Urban agriculture

9. Launching the European Food Ambassador Network
Contact: Lisa.vandenbossche@ilvo.vlaanderen.beRani.vangompel@ilvo.vlaanderen.be
Pilot project Food Ambassador Network
Outcomes of the Pilot project Food Ambassador Network

10. Reinforcing the utilization of potatoes within agricultural technical pathways as a means of agro-ecological diversification through the establishment of a local potato chip processing facility
Contact:  julie.costes@aude.chambagri.frnicolas.giraud@aude.chambagri.fr
Pilot project Reinforcing the utilization of potatoes

11. Facilitating AKIS’ actors interaction in Greece
Contact: elenazarokosta@aua.gr
Pilot project Facilitating AKIS actors interaction

12. Strengthening the network of the PanHellenic Association of Certified Farmers’ Advisors (PACFA)
Contact: athinakoutsouki@gmail.com 
Pilot project PACFA

13. AgriVision: Advancing CAP Networks Training for More Efficient Innovation Projects and Improved Farmer Involvement and Participation
Contact: konstantin.mihhejev@metk.agri.ee
Pilot project AgriVision